We provide:

  • Vessel condition reports – usually for renewal of over 30 yr old vessels
  • Specific damage survey of vessels such as vessels damaged by grounding/collision etc.

Insurance condition reporting requirements vary between insurers. Vessel type and age may also influence what is required.

If you have a 1980s or 1990s boat the “Overview boat condition check” as outlined below may be the best option.

Overview boat condition check for New Zealand boats requiring insurance renewal

This service has been developed for owners of vessels over 30 years old that require a condition report for New Zealand insurance purposes:

  • Not a full survey
  • Risk and safety based approach – focused on the main structural and system condition areas but also conveys general condition
  • GRP (fibreglass), composite, timber, alloy, steel
  • Out of water lift, clean and hold required, time required depends on vessel size – the rest can be done in the water, or alternatively the whole inspection can be done on a hardstand such as during routine out of water maintenance.
  • Fast turn around, reports ready within 1-2 days
  • Simple succinct typed report format on a template identifying general issues with summary of condition
  • Reports the vessel honestly as found on the day
  • Can be produced on Mariner or Vero insurance condition report templates or our generic format
  • Includes overview “global” images for the insurer
  • Not recommended for pre purchase
  • Does not include detailed recommendations for repairs
  • Does not include images of issues


  • You’ll need to arrange and pay for an out of water lift, wash and hold for the hull and for the boat to be accessible to do the internal and deck – in or out of the water.
  • Indicated prices are for vessels in generally good order


  • We’ve never had an issue with the format of our reports being acceptable, however whether an insurer will insurer a vessel based on the condition of a boat that we report is entirely out of our control. We report the facts about vessel condition as we find them on the day of the inspection. No expression of likely acceptance or not is given.
  • Payment is required prior to release of the report.

Get in touch for a survey by completing the form below or call 021 747 687